Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM)
OPSIS has today become a source for virtually any need you may have within the field of CEM and process control; whether it’s about monitoring of emissions from power plants and waste incinerators, or more specialized applications such as monitoring of exhausts from marine engines and providing control parameters in EEx-classed zones. OPSIS can also provide supplementary sensors of temperature, pressure, gas flow, dust concentrations and similar process-related parameters, thereby being able to supply you with whatever gaseous-related information you may ask for in your industrial applications.
Cross-Stack UV & FTIR DOAS Systems
OPSIS CEM systems measure multiple emissions or process gases in real time in situ. Using the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technique, the system is non-contact, with fast response.
One system can be configured to monitor NO, NO2, SO2, O3, H2S, NH3, CO, CO2, HF, H2O, CH4, Hg, HCl, Cl2, ClO2, CS2, Phenol, Formaldehyde, among other gaserous compounds.
A basic system includes an analyser, an emitter/receiver set, and an optical fibre cable.
The system has been tested and approved by TÜV and MCERTS according to EN 15267, and a range of other international authorities.
System 400CS Cross-Stack
System 400CS (cross-stack) is a cost-effective, high-performance monitoring package, designed for power plants and waste to energy plants among others.
The measurements are based on the FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and/or DOAS technique (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy), allowing continuous monitoring of several compounds.
OPSIS System 400System 400 is available in the following configurations, as standard:
- 400BASIC: Basic system calibrated for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
- 400EXT: Extended system calibrated for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and water (H2O).
- 400WASTE: Extended system for waste to energy plants, calibrated for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and water vapour (H2O).
System 400FL Fast-Loop
System 400FL combines the benefits of hot wet extractive and in situ.
The gas is moved at high speed in a bypass line. No filter or probe is used and the measurement takes place in a non-contact measurement cell.
System 400FL is based on OPSIS UV/FTIR DOAS system giving fast response and best possible performance for all gases.
The high resolution FTIR system is free from interference from all gases including water.
OPSIS Monitoring Housing
The UV measurements of NO, NO2, SO2, and Hg gives outstanding performance.
A fan is used to move the gas sample from the stack into the measurement cell via a heated bypass line.
One analyser cabinet can operate several measurement cells using an optical multiplexer.
A single System 400FL can measure all relevant emissions gases, such as NO, NO2, SO2, NH3, CO, CO2, HCl, HF, N2O, CH4, H2O, O2, and Hg.
System 400HG
Waste incinerators, cement plants and power plants need good and reliable measurements of total gaseous mercury.
The measurement of total gaseous mercury (THg) is a challenge due to chemical reactions and contamination. The installed systems will often require a lot of maintenance still not giving reliable results.
The OPSIS System 400Hg DOAS system is different and provides an accurate analyser that will operate with a minimum of maintenance.
The OPSIS DOAS system is based on a non contact method using an optical path. For the measurement of total gaseous mercury, the gases will pass a dry catalytic converter before entering into the optical path.
Besides the measurements of total gaseous mercury, the same analyser system can measure a large number of other gases required by legislation such as NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, NH3, H2O, HF, and HCl.
The system meets the European EN 15267 and other international standards.
System 400HWE Hot Wet Extractive
System 400HWE (Hot Wet Extractive) is based on OPSIS UV/FTIR DOAS system giving fast response and best possible performance for all gases.
The high resolution FTIR system is free from interference from all gases including water.
The UV measurements of NO, NO2, SO2, and Hg gives outstanding performance.
An ejector pump is used to move the gas sample from the stack into the measurement cell via a heated sample line.
One analyser cabinet can operate several measurement cells using an optical multiplexer.
A single System 400HWE will measure all relevant gases for CEM applications such as NO, NO2, SO2, NH3, CO, CO2, HCl, HF, N2O, CH4, H2O, O2, and Hg. Total mercury can be measured as an option using a separate measurement cell and a converter that converts all mercury species into elementary mercury.The System 400HWE is designed to be used in clean gas applications.
The System 400 Hot Wet Extractive can also be used to monitor H2S. Together with a new converter H2S is simply converted into other components that are easily measured with OPSIS UV DOAS, no Scrubber is needed.
M800 Marine System
The System M800 is tested and approved by international test institutes and measures SO2, CO2 and NOx using the reference methods NDUV and NDIR.
A light emitter and receiver creates a light path across the internal diameter of the stack. From the receiver, the light is guided in an optical fiber to the analyser.
System M800 can operate up to nine different light paths, thus allowing the system to measure the exhaust gases after several cleaning systems.
A built-in web interface allows the user to control the system via internet and to manage the measurements without loss of data.
RD100 Real Driving Emissions
Our RD100 Real Driving Emissions system is an accurate and reliable monitoring system that can measure the emissions from car exhaust in real life conditions. The RD100 system is mounted on a car and measures the real driving emissions during an ordinary drive.
The instrument is mounted on the rear of the car. The exhaust pipe is connected to the sensor unit.
The sensor unit is connected, via an optical fibre, to the analyser, which is located inside the car. No exhaust is lead into the car.
The RD100 system monitors car emissions from all types of fuel. Diesel fuel cars usually emit higher levels of nitrogen oxide and particles. Normally, petrol fuel cars emit higher levels of carbon dioxide as well as particles. The RD100 measures exactly how much during the drive.
One OPSIS RD100 can measure several types of gaseous compounds, such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and several types of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the system is easy to handle
Oxygen Monitor O2000
The OPSIS O2000 oxygen monitor is designed to monitor oxygen concentrations in industrial applications such as continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) and process control. It has been given a ruggedized design (IP65 protection) allowing it to operate under tough conditions in aggressive flue gas environments.
Measurements are made using the well-established zirconia (zirconium dioxide) sensor principle where a difference of oxygen concentration across a solid electrolyte causes an electric current to flow. The current is detected and amplified, yielding the oxygen concentration. It’s a proven and reliable measurement principle.
The in-situ monitoring means that there is no need for any gas extraction system that could clog or cause other problems during operation. OPSIS O2000 is straight-forward and therefore reliable, requiring a minimum of maintenance.
The oxygen monitor consists of a probe inserted in the flue gas, and a control unit. The probe is heated and supplied with ambient air providing a reference oxygen level. A second gas channel leading to the zirconia sensor can be used for quick and precise calibration of the oxygen monitor. The control unit processes the current signal and provides the oxygen concentration to a receiving unit. It also continuously monitor probe performance and initiates regular self-checks. A user interface in the control unit allows for configuration and manually initiated calibrations. Regularly recurring, automatic calibration sequences can also be configured.
A complete OPSIS emissions monitoring system often includes the OPSIS O2000 oxygen monitor combined with OPSIS’ other monitoring equipment such as its UV- and FTIR-DOAS gas analysers and other system components. However, the oxygen monitor can also be used on a stand-alone basis in applications where the oxygen concentration is the only monitoring parameter of interest.
The oxygen monitor has been tested and approved by a number of internationally recognized institutes and authorities, such as German TÜV and British MCERTS. It meets the European directives, and is approved according to EN15267.
Dilution Analysers
OPSIS offers compact analyser packages for monitoring NOX, SO2, CO and O2 in many different kinds of stack gas applications.
Chemiluminescent NOx Analyser
The compact NOX analyser is a well-proven chemiluminescent analyser integrated with a dilution, extractive probe. This combination forms a cost-effective NOx monitoring solution.
It is especially designed for operation in continuous emissions monitoring applications with clean gas systems and process control of DENOX systems. Also, the analyser operates well in diesel engine applications.
Fluorescent SO2 Analyser
The compact SO2 analyser is a well-proven UV fluorescent analyser integrated with a dilution, extractive probe. The SO2 analyser is especially designed for operation in continuous emissions monitoring applications and for process control.
The analysers are complete, fully integrated monitoring systems, configurated and tested according to the requirements for each application. The user-friendly analysers are easily installed.
System For EEX Zone Installations
The ER060L-EEx emitter and receiver set, together with OPSIS LD500 laser diode gas analyser, is designed for gas monitoring in explosion classed areas Zone 1 and 2.
The monitoring set creates a light path across the internal diameter of a stack or duct for an OPSIS emissions monitoring system.
Light is generated by the analyser, passed through the emitter and projected to the receiver.
Data Logger (CEM)
OPSIS data logger system is designed for data acquisition applications. The data logger can handle analogue and digital input and output signals as well as serial communication.
The data logger hardware is based on modules. It is therefore easy to configure the system to meet a wide range of requirements, and the system can be upgraded by adding modules.
It can be set up to almost any application including data acquisition with status signals, automatic calibration etc. Communication software for remote access via serial link is included.
Together with OPSIS EnviMan modular software system, the data logger forms a complete unit for both data acquisition and data management for industrial applications.
- Aluminium Smelters
- Brick Plants
- Cement Industry
- Chemical Industry
- CO2 Capture
- Fertilizer Industry
- Glass Manufacturing Industries
- Mercury Monitoring
- Mineral Wool Production
- Mining & Smelting
- Palm Oil Plants
- Power Plants
- Raw-gas Monitoring for Scrubber Optimizing
- Real Driving Emissions
- Steel Plants
- Sulphuric Acid Production Plants
- Waste to Energy Plants