Sampler for Portable Inst. (GERDA)
GERDA – Geochemical Research and Documentation Assistant – is an automated sampler for portable and handheld analytical instruments such as pXRF, NIR spectrometers, magnetometers, etc.
The GERDA can be used for:
- assaying drill core right in core boxes;
- assaying stream sediment/soil samples in field bags;
- assaying RAB, RC drilling chip samples;
- determination of gold mineralization in crushed rock/drill core samples utilizing NEFFA method;
- assaying any 2D flat objects like paintings and etc.
The GERDA includes:
- CNC 1500×1000 mm table WorkBee;
- high-resolution USB camera Baumer VCXU 65C.R (optional);
- Control Unit based on Raspberry Pi3;
- Browser-based software
- can be mounted on Palsatech or CoreLift tables
- can be remotely controlled via VPN
The GERDA can be equipped with:
- XRF analyzers Olympus Vanta or Bruker S1 Titan/Tracer or SciAps X505/X555 or Elvathech ProspectOre 3 (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- NIR spectrometer Spectral Evolution oreXpress (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- LIBS analalyser SciAps Z903
The GERDA can be equipped with:
- XRF analyzers Olympus Vanta or Bruker S1 Titan/Tracer or SciAps X505/X555 or Elvathech ProspectOre 3 (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- NIR spectrometer Spectral Evolution oreXpress (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- LIBS analalyser SciAps Z903
- developed and designed the GERDA;
- produces and sells GERDA units;
- installs units on customer’s site;
- trains customer’s personnel;
- provides full technical support and warranty.
Gerda Mobile Service
Real-time drilling and soil sampling geochemistry
MEFFA Lab Oy offers a new service:
Geochemical pXRF and/or mineralogical vNIR assays right in your drilling site or base camp.
The GERDA is a really mobile unit and can be placed in a van, car cargo trailer, tent, container, etc. Easy to move from one site to another, easy project mobilization. It does not require any special conditions.
The GERDA can assay about 130 m of core in an 8-hour shift – average daily drilling productivity rate.
MEFFA Lab will provide you with GERDA + XRF + vNIR + Technisian + Data Interpretation + 3D Modelling ( optional )
ANA Equipments are exclusive distibutors for Pakistan, Middle East and Centeral Asia